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© 2003, VOYAGE

  Excursions around Kamchatka
“ITELMENSKY VILLAGE (in translation “fire”) in “Pymchiy.”

The village is located in Elizovsky district, in a picturesque place, by the Topolay River. The guard of this place is the Ostray Rock (Sharp Rock). This is a holy and ritual place among the native people. At your desire you may climb this Rock and communicate with Spirits of Rock.
Almost all the buildings were built there in a medieval style. The “booth” (“barabor”) is an ancient habitation of itelments. It consists of two floors: the ground floor is used to being a hall and a place for kitchen utensils, the first floor is used to being a bedroom and an observation post. Not far from the “booth” there is a building for drying of fish (jucolnic), and place for the fire.
There is also a wooden idol-the master of any Itelmensky village. It is also the place of worships on “Alkhalalay Holiday”, which always takes place in the end of the October.
For convenience the toilet was built not far from the “booth”. Native settlements are going to build a bath-house in July this year.
Visitors are always treated to native cooking -ukha, cakes, phyto-tea. “Walking on the hot coal” is a special program to clean the spirit. And moreover you will see native dancing of the “Yalgae ensemble” there. Song of shaman has a special go in it. And at last, there are a lot of souvenirs of Kamchatka, which are made by native women. They absorb the energy of volcanoes and the native Spirits.
Entrance fee: For foreigners - 37$ For citizens of R.F. - 20$
A large group of people may granted a discount.
The cost includes: visiting the Museum, where visitors can see the great collection of local shaman-woman. She will tell the history about “speaking stones”. To her mind, stones are alive and they have a soul. The Nature puts down her hieroglyphs on them.
Program of the excursion in the Itelmensky village:
In the most beautiful place of Kamchatka, in the heart of the forest you will meet just an incredible culture of koryaks, aboriginals, itelmens, chukchies and avens (native people).
The meeting, as a rule, begins with a native ceremony of greeting, warship and cleaning. You will become acquainted with a style of their life, culture and way of life. You will see the histiry of the whole Kamchatka. There are also a lot of photo exhibition, pictures, applied arts, needlework and native dancing and songs. By the river with the clearest water you will be treated to native dishes, ukha, prepared on an open air. Besides you can see all the wild plants, and take part in picking of them.
At the excursion you will get energy from the spice, which always comes in the evening. Everyone may climb the “Ostray Rock” (Sharp Rock) and visit the waterfall.

You will fly to a canyon with unique and fabulous nature attracting tourists and researches from all over the world. Your voyage into this magical place begins with a breathtaking helicopter tour of massive peaks and cliffs, mountain ranges and taiga stretches, rivers and lakes. You’ll enjoy the beauty and greatness of active and extinct volcanoes. Don’t forget to watch for bears in the valley below. The Valley of Geysers will meet you with streams of curling steam, light smell of native sulfur and many- colored splashes of silver water. It is hidden in one of the deep canyons in Kronotsky Biosphere preserve. Spectacular Landscapes and tremendous photo opportunities geysers and perpetual spouters, mud pots, slopes covered with geyserite sinter and thermophile algae, “dry” and water sulfur pools. An experience guide will tell you this ecosystem is being preserved for future visitors

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